I have a fever, World Cup fever. I love the weekends because it allows me to watch 3 games each day. 6 hours of soccer a day and 12 hours for the entire weekend. Does it get any better?
To be honest, many Americans don't know the World Cup is going on, let alone what needs to happen for the US to advance. This was the mindset that I had going into the US-Italy game yesterday. I arrived at Quinton's, a local bar at around 9:45 am to finish watching the Portugal-Iran game. I was the only one there.
Then at around 11 the lunch crowd started to show up, so there were some people there to watch Ghana shock the Czech Republic and give the US some hope. It looked as though the stars were beginning to align for a US miracle.
When it was almost game time, the bar started to fill up. I was a little confused at first.
Really? All these people are here to watch the game? huh? I thought we didn't like soccer.--these were my thoughts as the game began.
Had I known what was to come, I would have better prepared myself. The following two hours were an emotional rollercoaster and I saw probably the greatest soccer game that I have ever seen. EVER.
The US started well, they were attacking, they were physical and they showed no fear. They actually made it look like the
Don't Tread on Me ad campaign seem serious. Then Italy scored. Suddenly my delight turned into frustration. Then the own goal came minutes later. Joy once again returned and the bar erupted in jubilation. Then the red card to Rossi of Italy!! To see McBride coming off the pitch with blood pouring from his face had to be inspirational to his teammates. Then to see him come back on, minutes later with 3 stitches pushed them more. At this point I was feeling pretty good about a win. 1-1 tie, we have 1 more player and we are dominating the game. How can we not get three points?
Then anger. Pablo's red card, probably a little harsh. Now we're even, but I'm still feeling good going into half-time. Then disbelief as Eddie Pope is given the red card (a poor decision by the ref) for a second offence. I was in shock.
3 red cards in one game??? Now I just hoped we would hold on. But that is when the amazing thing happened. The US crowd was making noise and the boys responded. The US still had chances, even though they were down a man. Then around the 75 minute, Beasley scores. The bar goes insane. No team has ever scored with only 9 men in the World Cup. NO ONE. And sadly that fact held true as the goal was disallowed due to McBride being offsides and in the path of the ball. Which, after seeing the replay, he was. No question. I can't argue with that.
The US held on for a draw and restored our reputation. Had they played like that against the Czechs, I think we would be through at this point, or at least only needing a draw. Now we need an Italy win and a US win. That's the easy way.
I have decided that I am rooting for another team in this tournament. Dustin has England (since he lived there for a while, I understand) and I have decided to root for the Aussies. They are playing Brazil right now and while my head (and fantasy league team) say Brazil will win, my heart is rooting for Australia.