Monday, June 25, 2007

My Good News.....

May 24th? May 24th? Has it really been an entire month since I've posted anything??

To be honest, I held off posting for a while because I was frustrated looking for a job. I was having some difficulty finding anything and I didn't want to say the exact same thing in two or three consecutive posts, so I held off. But now I'm back.

First off, the good news: School is almost over. It's been extremely hot in Egypt for the last week and today we went to the pool. Imagine how nervous I was that my pale white body was going to come back looking like a lobster, but luckily I seemed to have made it out without a scratch. We only have three more days left and one of those days we are having a 2nd vs 3rd Grade football match, followed by a dish party. Needless to say, I'm excited.

Then comes the other good news.....I finally got a job!! I accepted it last weekend and I know I should have posted sooner, so my apologies. In August I start teaching 5th Grade at Escuela Anaco in Anaco, Venezuela. I'm pretty excited for the opportunity. The pay is better and I get the chance to coach football (soccer) and possibly basketball. I will also be the Model UN sponsor for my school, which is a program that allows students to represent a country in a setting similar to the real UN and try to solve global issues. It's a great program and it should be fun. The best part about my new job though.....I only have 6 kids in my class right now!!!!

Now before I get any silly emails or messages about how scary Venezuela is, I want you to know that I've already researched it and I'm fine. The city I will be in is only 100,000 people and it is pretty far from Caracas (the capital). I'm also only about an hour from the beach (sweet) and the people at the school seem extremely nice.

I will try to post more soon about the school and possibly get their website on the links section so that you can check it out. In the meantime, I only have a few weeks left and my mom (Agnes) and my cousin Sarah are coming to visit in less than a week! I better get cleaning.....

God Bless


Anonymous said...

Frist, Congratulations on the job. I look forward to reading about your further adventures.

Second, I don't think Mom will notice the dust on the doorjam. She's excited about the trip and everything you have planned.

Third, I'm supposed to support an idea about getting Mom on a camel? That I would love to see.

Anonymous said...

hey - glad to hear from you! and yes, no more mean messages on facebook : ) congrats on the new job! yet another adventure - im excited for you!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you about your new job although I wish it were here in IC at my school, HAHA!! Enjoy your time with your mom and get ready for your new adventure! You do such a great job of writing about your adventures - maybe you should write a book. Hopefully I'll see you when you hit town.

Anonymous said...

1st & most important, a picture of your mom on a camel!! I support Terry & Gayle on this. If you don't get a picture, a blog w/details would be great! I have college girlfriends from Venezuela. Its just like any where else; both good & bad. You're smart & God's with you, you'll be fine just be careful & have fun. I'm happy & excited for you. I think this will be great. You love soccer and there you will be involved with it. I can't wait to hear about the Model UN. That sounds cool too. Money is good but you'll be doing more of the things you love. That is important. How did the school program go? You sound like a good, loving son-have to clean for mom's visit. Agnes is so excited about the visit. Remember that she is visiting you, not your place. I'm a mom with a son who's not close by (not as far away as you). When I see him, I want to hug him & make sure he's ok, then I want to talk to him; phones & emails are ok but its the face to face talk that comforts the soul. I don't care if there's dust; I don't look in closets (a great place to hide things).

Anonymous said...

Congrats Bill on your new job! It will be interesting to read about your coaching experiences. It will be exciting to continue to experience the world through your continued travels and employemnt. Stay safe and remember God first!!!