Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Missing Class....

So I've been back for a little over a week and oddly enough, I had a really quiet week last week....none of my 5th Graders were here! I expected two of them to be gone (they were out of the country), but then I found out that one of them was moving and another was missing in action! I was a bit surprised to come back and not have any 5th Graders, although I'm not going to was pretty nice to have one or two extra planning periods each day!

Things aren't as giving this week. Three of my 5th Graders showed up, with only one still in the States (and he returns on Saturday, although to be fair, he is doing his homework via the Internet). My student that is moving is here until Friday, when we will have a Despedida for him (a good-bye or going away ceremony) and then we'll hang out in class a bit too.

It's sad to see Mark go, but this is also the way it is at International Schools. Often kids come and go and they also have a tendency to either return a bit later from a break, or sometimes they leave early too. Sadly, there isn't too much we can do about it, but shake our heads, and keep moving along with the curriculum.

1 comment:

thewitbegins said...

I'm a friend of Erica Heeg's from Illinois and I was trying to get a hold of a blogger for an assignment I'm working on. I need to interview an international blogger and she mentioned you've taughted in various places around the world and blogged while you were there. If it is at all possible could you please get back to me to set up like an email or phone interview. It would help me out loads. Thanks!

Tim Bearden