Thursday, June 08, 2006

My favorite time of year....

....Is just beginning. Yes, once every four years an amazing event happens on Earth. No, it's not a comet, the opening of some silly flower or the Cubs having a winning season. It is the greatest sporting event on Earth. Yes, you've guessed it. The World Cup.

It's hard for me to contain my excitement for the World Cup. For those of you that don't know (meaning many Americans that don't know me well), the World Cup begins tomorrow in Germany with Germany playing Costa Rica. I know this isn't a very exciting opening game, but I'm actually thrilled by it because I think Costa Rica may have a chance. The Americans don't actually play until Monday (when I'll be working, Maybe I should quit for a day?).

The best part is that there will be soccer games on every day for almost a month. EVERY DAY!!! Here in the States the games are on ESPN, ESPN2, and ABC. Yes, ABC is actually showing a soccer game that doesn't include the US National Team. How exciting is that!! I'm pumped to tune in on Saturday morning and watch England get beaten by Paraguay. That would be a great start to my summer (but if England won, that would be okay too).

The difference between here and Australia is amazing. In Australia I saw signs of the World Cup everywhere that I went. Jerseys in stores, ads in papers, commentary on TV, it was amazing. Here however is a little different. Most Owens couldn't care less about the games and I can't find a USA jersey to save my life, though oddly enough I could get one in Brisbane.....weird.

The other fun thing is that I started working today. I had my first day at the UI Wildlife Camps and I went out with 10 kids and another leader on an insect hike. Yes, we went searching for bugs and other animals. The highlight came when we caught a snake in the grass, although it was only a garder snake, probably the least scary snake of all. Good times.

By the way, the US will advance out of their group and I think if they can play their best, they could win it. Of course, it would require a tremendous amount of luck too!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go The Aussies. Australia starts off on Monday at 11pm our time. Can't wait. I have been preparing the lounge, stocked the fridge wtih beer and am getting about 200 packs of Tim Tams to eat. If you give me your email I have a great world cup program to send you.