Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Waiting game....

...that is what I am playing. I've contacted four schools about teaching overseas next year. I've heard one thanks but no thanks (blasted Cyprus) and two "we'll talk to you in Waterloo" (thank you China and Virgin Islands!!). I'm still waiting to hear from Korea. I did receive emails from a school in Taiwan and Colombia that are begging people to interview, the question is, do I really want to live there?? I considered the Taiwan school, but I can't remember why I didn't email them. It could have been the money (or lack there of) but I don't recall.

Speaking of money, it reminds me of a great line I heard in a song today. "....it's not about the salary, it's all about reality and makin' some noise." For some reason this simple phrase and line has stuck in my head all day. Maybe I'm being told to not worry about the pay and just go....somewhere. Who knows.

I'm in full swing at Prairie View. I started grading papers and handwriting today (yes, I'm grading cursive and script handwriting, scary huh?). I also get to plan a unit on Community and a poetry unit (awesome!!). I'm pretty excited about the units. If any of you have any ideas, let me know, although keep in mind, I work with 3rd graders.

Well, I have units to plan and sleep to catch up on.
--Change the World

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Blogage.