Sunday, February 12, 2006

A day of Planning

I have been clearing out my apartment for a little over a month now. I'm taking stuff back to Des Moines to store in my mom's basement while I"m gone (her basement is huge and empty). On the trip yesterday, I hung out with my buddy Dustin and his girlfriend Sara, as well as a friend from high school.
We ate at Chili's and had some snacks. Unfortunately, I ate too much of a variety and was very sick last night and didn't feel well for most of the day today. The bad news is that I skipped SI and youth group because I didn't feel good. The good news is that I took the entire day to plan for the week, which means I wrote lesson plans literally all day. How boring that can truly be. I still have some lessons to type 8 or 9 lessons, but most of the others are done. It has taken me most of the day.
I do have some good news to report. I purchased my ticket for Australia!! Although they haven't told me where I'm going to stay or what school I'll be at. One way or another, I'm going to Australia on the 13th of March. I won't actually arrive until the morning of the 15th (Wednesday). I'm pumped!! Brisbane here I come.
As for Cairo, I'm starting to learn a little bit more about Egypt and it's really calming me down about the whole trip. I'm not as nervous as I was before. I'm starting to get pretty excited about that one too, but one experience at a time.

Until next time, ma'as salama,

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