Friday, April 13, 2007

My Near Death Experience.....

We left Wadi Musa on Sunday and headed south to Aqaba. We were supposed to meet the taxi driver at 10 am, but he was a little late due to car trouble, which should have been our first warning sign for the day.

After attempting to get the taxi started again, we finally got going 15 minutes later. We had made it through the King's Highway and half-way to Aqaba on the Desert Highway before the taxi died again (warning sign #2). Luckily, after letting the car rest again, we were able to go another 10 km before the car died for a third time (after previous deaths in Wadi Musa and on the highway).

This time the driver called another cabby, who came to meet us. By the time he got there, our taxi back in action and we had continued our journey. We only had 10 km until the border stop before the car died for the fourth and final time. What should have been a 90 minute trip, ended up taking around 2.5 hours. All this time we were a little worried because the last bus to Sharm el Sheikh left Taba at 3 pm (in Egypt), which was only 2.5 hours away and we were still in Jordan and had to clear customs in two other countries!

Fortunately, the Jordanian Customs went pretty quickly, but we then had to wait for a taxi driver to come to the border. We got some 26 year old kid, to drive us to the Taba border, where we were feeling pretty good because we had 2 hours until the bus left.....then we saw the Indians.....

Sure enough as we hit a group of Nigerian pilgrims heading into Israel, we met a group of Indian tourists leaving Israel. Of course the Egyptian authorities weren't prepared (again) and it took forever to get across the border. Luckily, after an hour, we made it across and quickly walked to the bus stop in Taba (which has probably the second worst bathroom in Egypt, next to the one at the Giza Zoo in Cairo).

We then realized that we gained an hour when we came into Egypt (time change) and so we actually now had to waste 90 minutes, at an empty bus station....awesome.

Finally the bus left at around 3:10 (even though it had been sitting there longer than us, it still was late departing). The bus was actually pretty empty, which was a change from the norm....buses here are usually extremely crowded and smelly, but not this time. Our bus driver was cruising down to Sharm, which is supposed to be a 3.5 hour trip.

After stopping in Nuweiba and at numerous resorts and random places along the way, we were flying down to Dahab, another resort town. This was when it was starting to get scary because the bus driver was going fast, in a beat-up old bus and it was getting dark. See, here in Egypt, the lines on the road for lanes are more suggestions than anything else, so when we take a corner turning left, we are usually in the left lane when we do it (you know, the lane where the cars are coming at you). After avoiding a few cars and having to stay in our own lane, we then nearly got into a few accidents while trying to pass other large vehicles, all the while other cars were coming at was a little scary at times, but we survived.

Finally 4.5 hours later.....we arrived in Sharm. We were both really excited to be off that bus and I couldn't wait to get a bite to eat and go to bed.

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