Thursday, April 06, 2006

Harmony Day??

I have just been given a break at school and I thought I would put a little post on the board. We just finished our Harmony Day celebration here, which was a lot of fun. The students sang songs about Australia, read some speeches and had a few laughs. Then we ate food from all over the world. It was interesting, but fun. I got to be the DJ, which amounted to me with a boombox on my lap sitting in a chair behind the kids on the stage. Good times.

I know what you're thinking, what on Earth is Harmony Day? That was my question too. It's a day where Australians celebrate unity, harmony and the respect of other cultures and beliefs. They even have a Harmony Day color (orange) and a phrase (You + Me = US).

This past week has been a real blur. I've been a carpet cutter, a babysitter, a gopher (go-get this & that), a coffee maker and I even fit in some time to teach. The kids are getting eager for break to get here, just like the teachers. Next term we're doing a unit on Antarctica, during which we will go see March of the Penguins at a local movie theater. That should be fun.

I leave on Monday for the Whitsundays, so I don't know if I'll be able to post until I return, but we'll see! I'm still just livin' the dream.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are doing and seeing things. I can hardly wait until you get back so you can tell me all about your adventures. I hope you have a great time at Whitsunday. Take care.