Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Thanks.....

First off, a big thanks to everyone who has left a comment over the past few weeks. It makes me think people are actually reading this thing, instead of me just typing this for my parents. So Thank you so much for saying hello or leaving a note.

I suppose I haven't really introduced you to Cairo yet. The city is huge, dirty and very busy. There are some where between 16.5 and 20 million people in and around this city. So far, everything looks the same, although I'm beginning to be able to tell where I am sometimes. Life here is rough and many people are poor, some extremely poor. I believe I read that the average Egyptian makes $1,200 a year. I've seen rich ex-pats living in Maahdi, a suburb S of the city, which looks completely different to what I see daily. I've also seen people, even children, sleeping on a piece of cardboard in the street. It's a little different.

I'm living in a 2 bedroom apartment with a guy named Alex in Heliopolis, a suburb NE of the city center. It's located near the airport. It's a nice suburb, but don't get the idea of suburbia like in the States. There are tons of apartment buildings, shops, stores, fruit stands and cats. Lots of cats. Everywhere. We also live next to the Military Academy, which is interesting.

I take a taxi everywhere I go. I often meet up with some people in Korba, an area of town that is 10 minutes away by cab. The ride is cheap, around 5 LE (which means Egyptian Pounds), this is equivalent to less than a $1. Good deal. Because of the cheaper standard of living, things here are very cheap, once you figure in the exchange rate. I can buy a huge bottle of water often for 2 LE or maybe a little more.

As for my job (yes, I do work too), I don't actually have any students until the 17th of September. We are moving into a new building, which is still being built, so the start of school has been delayed. Good times!!

I hope all is well. More will come soon and I'll try to get some photos up as well.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see an update and hear how things are going. Bryice wants to know how much a bottle/can of coke is.


Jessica said...

Hey Bill! Thanks for the comment! Sounds like Cairo is definitely going to be an adventure for you. Careful of those cats! Hope you're not allergic! I know you'll make it a fun adventure though :) can't wait to read the next blog!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with writing this for your parents?

Your mom converted me to a "Soccer Head". And that's quite an accomplishment with a NASCAR redneck. Now I'm looking forward to learning about Cairo!

William Flinn said...

A bottle of Coke could range anywhere from 1 LE to maybe 3, I think. That's a rough guess. Plus, you can still get Coke in a bottle over here!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an adventure allright!! Hope you are being careful (you know I had to add that). Maybe there are all those cats so you won't miss the Lemme Leopards. Hope you don't get too used to the life of leisure and forget how to teach! What is the weather like there? I assume always hot but geography is not my strong suit. Take care of yourself and keep having fun - we're thinking of you!

Jennifer VM said...

I think what threw me off the most about your post is the part about cats everywhere. Most countries I've been to have featured the mangy dogs, so it's a bit of a mental picture switcharoo to think of cats roaming around. What are the preferred pets over there?

Anyway, hope the food is easy on your tummy and that your adjustment continues to go well.

Anonymous said...

I miss your face and bald head - I hope you miss my face and bald head, too!
I think it sounds glorious - especially the cats - bring me one home, dad won't mind.
Don't listen to Baldy Senior. Each country - third world or thrity-third - is different and rich, because of the people...and the cats. If you ever get wind of it, tell me what the Egyptian feminist movement is up to. (Most scholarly feminists will speak English...maybe you could talk to them...and then I can live vicariously!)
I love you like a fat kid loves chocolate eclairs! Live it up!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it to Ciro. Man it sounds cheaper than OZ. Hope all is going well.

The Brisbane Lions are out of the finals. They have one game to go in their season.

The Bronco are starting to play well. It could be their year.\

Catch you later, Stuart and Jude

Anonymous said...

Are there any rappers talking about droping the "LEs" or maybe rolling in a camel with blinged out hoofs? Just checking...
I am gald to hear you are getting aclimated. I will try and catch you on skype... Have Fun!
Love you Bro,