Thursday, December 07, 2006

My ballerina movements......

As many of you have heard or read from me, I miss rain. Precipitation of any kind is generally a rarity here in Egypt. That said, we have been blessed the past two nights with what can only be described as actual rain. Not sprinkles. Not mist. RAIN. The real deal.

Now oddly enough, this presents a HUGE problem. Here in Egypt, we don't have a drainage system like in the States, so where does all that rain go? Exactly right where it fell, or it drains down to the nearest low-lying place, where it just congregates, until it becomes the size of a mini-pond. It was in this terrain that I walked from the metro stop in Dokki, to meet my cell group last night. It was only a 20 minute walk, but it was insane.

Imagine if you will, myself, walking along in a grey sweater, being dripped on from every possible direction. Water falling from my bald head, flowing down the front of my face. I'm hopping around like a ballerina, going from one foot to the other on these long leaps, attempting to avoid most of the water and then balance myself on the curb that is a few feet away. Add to this, dodging cars, buses, motorcycles and scooters and you have an interesting little scene.

It's kind of funny to watch people drive in the rain. We don't get it that often, so it literally stops traffic. Any vehicle slows down to a turtle pace to cross the puddles, mostly because all of our tires are bald and we don't drive on rain that much. It's kind of like when there is an ice storm that one time every year in the South and everyone gets in an accident because they never deal with it. Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was it like a scene from Gene Kelly's Singing in the Rain? I would have loved to have seen it. We'll have to see if we can get you some snow when your are back! Miss ya.