Friday, January 26, 2007

My February break.....

I've been attempting to plan this February break ever since I got back to Cairo. It's the thing that I am currently looking forward to and excited about. I'm planning on heading to Jerusalem, Israel next Friday. I have a hostel booked for a few nights and then I'll work on making my way back to Egypt.

It's funny, because I don't even have my bus ticket yet. I went to try and purchase it today and as I looked through the window at the man sitting at a computer and an old-school printer, I knew it wasn't going to be an easy conversation. Luckily there was an older gentleman there that spoke a little English and he translated for me.
Turns out I can't even buy a ticket yet. They told me that I have to come back on Tuesday, to buy a ticket that will allow me to leave on Friday morning, around 6:30 am.

This made me think, can you imagine how air travel would be if this was how you had to do it? Imagine not being able to buy your ticket until 3 or 4 days ahead of time? How insane would that be? What if there wasn't a ticket for you? You had the hotel booked, the plans made, you had already taken time off from work and room for you on the flight. It's amazing.

The funny thing is that the instant I cross the border into Israel, everything becomes modern again. The tickets are done on a computer, no problem how long I want to book in advance. After I walk across the border, I'll take a bus to Eliat, a resort city and then from there I'll board a bus to Jerusalem. In all, the bus rides should take around 10 hours, from what I'm told. I hate long bus rides, so it should be interesting!


Anonymous said...

I hope you get it all booked and it goes well. I know that you have been looking forward to this since you arrived in Cairo. I can hardly wait to hear about everything you see and how it feels to be there. Please take care and stay safe.

angela said...

i fouuuuuund you! :) hope it's not too stalker-like? i remembered you said you were on blogger too, and thought i'd look you up. hanging out with yous guys was strangely familiar and comfortable. thanks for a great evening. you have an open invitation to Ma'adi. although our tv isn't as nice, there's always good times watching arthur nap!

William Flinn said...

Plan B? I suppose I'll just cross the border and head into Jordan instead!

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