Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Request.... I've shared with you how cold our apartment is. It's currently 56 degrees in here and we have no way to heat this place. Does anyone have any ideas for us to keep this place warm? Or maybe to just get it warm?

We've thought about buying some space heaters and Alex has one in his room....but it only heats the area 4 inches away from the heater, so it does no good. Does anyone have any ideas at all???


Angie said...

i don't think you'll ever be able to keep your whole apartment warm. space heaters are a good idea for when you're watching tv (cover up with a blanket and then tent the blanket over the heater and it traps the heat in there, it's wonderful) and hot water bottles are the trick for sleeping. dress in layers and drink lots of tea. welcome to the desert. :)

Anonymous said...

Try to find a oil filled radiator style heater. They will heat a bigger space.

Anonymous said...

well bill - don't you remember your college days??? we never had our heat on! basically what you have to do is start cuddling with your roommate - body heat is the best way to keep warm. let me know how that goes? : )

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bill,

Have you thought about an electric blanket? I have a spare that I would be happy to send to you and then you could donate it to someone that is staying. At least it would help in the night. Just a thought - I would be happy to send the blanket.

Roster said...

You need to find out what kind of space heater Amy had in college... that thing was a beast. It seriously warmed the entire apartment another 3 or 4 degrees.

Angie said...

okay i'm in north africa too now and so far to keep warm our strategies are to be in a small room with other people and keep the door closed. we have hot water bottles (which are awesome), blankets and a propane space heater. propane ones are way cheaper to run than electric ones and pump out the heat pretty darn well. We've survived pretty well so far. I'll keep you posted.