Saturday, September 09, 2006

My Address (kind of).....

Some of you have requested an address from me. The drawback is that if you attempt to send something to my home address, there is a very good chance that I won't get it. Mail has a tendency to disappear on its way to Egypt or once it gets here. Also, mail is very slow and any packages will be opened by Customs. So nothing illegal please (Dustin-Brad, this means you).

So due to this, I'm going to have my school address as my mailing address. I hope this works out and things make it.

Hopefully this will work!

Bill Flinn
Nefertari American International School-3rd Grade
Km. 22 Ismailia Road
Cairo, Egypt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill,
I hope you had a great day on your birthday. I trust you have not had to rock the anti-protazoal yet. I have not been able to find any new info. I need to talk to the college of pharmacy drug information person to see if they know of any good international references. Keep up the good work, I'll be praying for you.

PS - Group went well on Sunday. I told the guys I would bring in some pictures of where you live and such. They were excited. Later Buddy!