Sunday, May 14, 2006

My first lesson....

I went up the coast with Jude and Stuart this weekend. I think the place was called Marcoola, either that or Macoola, I forgot, but I have it written down at home.
Stuart's parents have a little house up there near the beach. It was awesome! Stuart gave me a surf lesson on Saturday and to be honest, I suck. I couldn't even stand up! Every time I tried I would lose my balance or the board would slide out from under me. It was fun though.
That night we watched Crackerjack and The Castle, two classic Aussie comedies. They were both pretty funny. I wish we had Lawn Bowling in the States or at least in Iowa. It would be a blast!
Sunday we went back out to the beach. This time it was with the boogey board. I had a little more success. I was able to catch 1 or 2 waves, but other than that, I still suck. It was a lot of fun though.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm - and we though your favourite part of the trip to Marcoola was "The Big Pineapple", the "Tim Tams", the "Tiger Prawns" or the "Pav"!

William Flinn said...

All were good things, to be honest, but I really enjoyed the trip as a whole. I'm still a bit sore from the surf attempt!!

Anonymous said...

I don't fault you for poor surfing skills seeing as you came from landlocked Iowa. Sounds like your are "living the dream". Enjoy it Buddy! I finished finals last week and am started rotations this week. I also got to play some golf with Aunan and Thad. It was spectcularly bad. Later Bro!